so. maybe its because of this.
or maybe its because i have my mothers brain and i forget EVERYTHING.
either way, i'm easily sidetracked.
i pour a glass of lemonade
have a sip
get called into the bedroom by a 3 year old
end up doing heaven knows what
pick up some toys
decide to clean the counter in the bathroom
have to break up a fight
need to change a diaper
check my email
and go into the kitchen
after an hour and a half to find,
oh yeah! i had a glass of lemonade to drink..
put mia down for a nap
help jonas find buzz lightyear
then end up racing the cars
pick up more toys
wind up laying on the bed with jonas so he'll take a nap
end up falling asleep as well
wake up
walk into the kitchen to do the dishes and find...
the sandwich and all the makings i had started earlier
still sitting on the counter
all warm and not as delicious after being out for 2 hours.
nice stale bread and warm cheese.
does this happen to anyone else?