the best book i've ever read

The Book Thief : Markus Zusak.

i've never read a better book. if any of you have read it, i want to know what you think of it. and if you havent, i highly recommend it. seriously. this book is so amazing. the way the author uses descriptions and the aspect of the narrator, its just so engaging. and heartbreaking . i've read it twice now. i finished it up while i was at work yesterday (on audiobook) and i was wiping tears away while i was typing. im sure the keyboard was a little soggy by the time i was done. and i hoped that nobody would notice that my eyes were red. but i'd read it again in a heartbeat. some books are good, but once i've read them, i'll never read them again, or i find the characters irritating. but i love all the characters in this book. they have such personality and it hurts my heart to think of how the story ends. but its such a thought provoking book, and i loved it. i would suggest it to everyone.

Cotter  – (9/13/2009 5:19 PM)  

i loved this book!!! at first i wasnt sure if i was going to like it but i was wrong. i have it sitting in my car begging to be lent out.

Cher  – (9/14/2009 1:37 PM)  

i'll add it to my list!

Celeste  – (9/16/2009 8:11 PM)  

love double love.
life-changingly beautiful, huh? I want to read more of his stuff, let me know if you have & what and if it's good.

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