Twilight Tide Pettiskirt GIVEAWAY!!!!
Twilight Tide Pettiskirt GIVEAWAY!!!!
so cute. and i definitely want to win. then it will save me the hassle of making one!! oh please. please.
Twilight Tide Pettiskirt GIVEAWAY!!!!
so cute. and i definitely want to win. then it will save me the hassle of making one!! oh please. please.
for the big man's birthday, instead of cake, we splurged on our diets and had thin crust pizza and whole fruit {virgin} margaritas. i know, i know.. we are totally going wild. spiking our GI's and getting wasted on fruit. a good time all around.
ah... a new piece of furniture. nothing major, but just a little something for spice. i quite like it.. and it was cheap! i re purposed it with some old paint i had. and now it looks great!
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